Chappie Complete Chicken & Wholegrain Cereal 3kg £9.55
An easily digestible, complete adult dog food with all the nourishment a dog needs for a naturally healthy diet. Chappie's unique, balanced recipe is much lower in fat than most other dog foods. Made with fish, chicken and cereal. Fish is an excellent source of protein. By using wholegrain maize and wheat, Chappie ensures maximum nourishment - starch for energy, and fibre for healthy digestion. The special blend of low fat and dietary fibre provides your dog with a slow release of energy, satisfying a dogs needs throughout the day. Chappie is enriched with essential vitamins and fatty acids, for perfect balance in a dog's diet.

Ingredients: Cereals (including Whole wheat* 4%), Meat and Animal Derivatives (15%, including Chicken* 4%), Oils and Fats, Derivatives of Vegetable Origin, Minerals, *Natural ingredients.
Analytical Constituents (%): Protein: 20, Fat content: 8, Inorganic matter: 7, Crude fibres: 2, Omega 3 fatty acids: 0.15, Omega 6 fatty acids: 1.98.