Goat Feed

Allen & Page All Round Goat Mix - 20kg
The Smallholder Range All Round Goat Mix is a nutritious goat mix suitable for all mature goats. With a light molasses coating for palatability.
Includes yeast and a prebiotic for healthy digestion
Balanced with essential vitamins and minerals.

Allen & Page Pygmy Goat Mix - 20kg
Pygmy Goat Mix is a wholesome feed with higher fibre levels. With added dried fruit and vegetables, similar to those which Pygmy goats would naturally forage for.
Specially made with the Pygmy goat’s unique nutritional needs in mind
A wholesome feed with increased levels of fibre
Includes yeast and a prebiotic for healthy digestion
Contains dried fruit and vegetables

Badminton Country Mix - 20kg £13.53
A convenient all-round smallholder ration to suit all ruminants
Provides highly digestible energy which will meet the increased demands of pregnant, lactating or growing stock, or simply supplement that provided by forage.
Supplies good quality protein sources to support production and development.
Contains a full spectrum of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to support health and well-being.

Badminton High Yield Goat Mix - 20kg £14.73
A highly palatable lightly molassed coarse mix, specially formulated for goats of all types and ages.
Its blend of rolled oats and micronised cereals provide readily digestible calories to supplement forage and promote condition and performance.