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Omega Equine Digest 650g £16.80
Omega Equine Digest Gut Balancer is a supplement for sustaining optimum digestive health and managing equine stress. Omega Equine Digest helps support general wellbeing and aids digestive function and efficiency.

Omega Equine Digest 1.3kg £28.50
Omega Equine Digest Gut Balancer is a supplement for sustaining optimum digestive health and managing equine stress. Omega Equine Digest helps support general wellbeing and aids digestive function and efficiency.

Omega Equine Brewers Yeast 1kg £7.80
Omega Equine Brewers yeast is a favourite for maintaining healthy digestion and calming stressed or anxious horses, Brewers Yeast is a natural by-product of the beer fermentation process and a firm favourite for horse owners.
Ground into a fine powder, it is packed with high levels of complex B vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, all nutrients essential for keeping horses healthy and happy.
Ground into a fine powder, it is packed with high levels of complex B vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, all nutrients essential for keeping horses healthy and happy.

Omega Equine Brewers Yeast 3kg £18.75
Omega Equine Brewers yeast is a favourite for maintaining healthy digestion and calming stressed or anxious horses, Brewers Yeast is a natural by-product of the beer fermentation process and a firm favourite for horse owners.
Ground into a fine powder, it is packed with high levels of complex B vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, all nutrients essential for keeping horses healthy and happy.
Ground into a fine powder, it is packed with high levels of complex B vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, all nutrients essential for keeping horses healthy and happy.

Omega Equine Ulsoothe 1.5kg £40.25
Omega Equine's Ulsoothe is designed to naturally sustain gastric and digestive health.

Omega Equine Milk Thistle Seed Powder 1kg £16.50
Omega Equine Milk Thistle Seed is a hedgerow staple which provides incredible support to the liver, kidney and pancreas. The seeds are regularly fed to horses to promote optimum liver health, supporting effective liver function and assisting in healthy liver cell growth and renewal.

Omega Equine SandXpell 510g £19.99
Omega Sand Xpell is made up of pure Psyllium husk and linseed, a powerful duo for sustaining healthy digestion and condition. Psyllium is a plant high in dietary fibre, which helps equines naturally pass uncomfortable build-ups of sand and debris from the bowels.

NAF Psyllium Powder 1kg £21.10
Psyllium Husk provides herbal support for digestive health and motility. Contains digestible fibre which is particularly recommended for horses on short and sandy grazing. May be fed daily for maintenance, or at loaded rate for one week monthly to support natural clearance.

NAF GastriAid 1.8kg £35.20
GastriAid is an advanced formula containing a unique blend of key ingredients to maintain gastric health, soothe the stomach wall and support the balance of pH levels within the gut.

NAF GastriVet 2kg £52.75
GastriVet is a totally natural, nutritional formula developed by world leading veterinary scientists and nutritionists, and recommended by vets. The clinically proven formula supports a healthy gastric environment, supports the natural anti-inflammatory processes, soothes the stomach walls and supports balanced pH levels. Ideal for competition and performance horses, GastriVet can also support the benefits of veterinary treatment when used as part of an aftercare regime

NAF GastriVet 4kg £96.70
GastriVet is a totally natural, nutritional formula developed by world leading veterinary scientists and nutritionists, and recommended by vets. The clinically proven formula supports a healthy gastric environment, supports the natural anti-inflammatory processes, soothes the stomach walls and supports balanced pH levels. Ideal for competition and performance horses, GastriVet can also support the benefits of veterinary treatment when used as part of an aftercare regime

NAF In The Pink Powder 700g £24.65
Nutritional support of the gut is the cornerstone of health and vitality in horses, and will be reflected as a horse in perfect condition. In The Pink Powder is a concentrated feed supplement for perfect condition. It is one of the most advanced nutritional preparations available to improve the diet of both sport and leisure horses. It is a unique, concentrated formula, using live probiotic yeasts and prebiotics designed to optimise gut function and the natural digestive process. This enables the horse to fully utilize his diet and maintain perfect condition. Plus, because it contains essential high quality vitamins, minerals and micronutrients, it supports perfect health, vitality and performance.

NAF In The Pink Powder 1.4kg £40.45
Nutritional support of the gut is the cornerstone of health and vitality in horses, and will be reflected as a horse in perfect condition. In The Pink Powder is a concentrated feed supplement for perfect condition. It is one of the most advanced nutritional preparations available to improve the diet of both sport and leisure horses. It is a unique, concentrated formula, using live probiotic yeasts and prebiotics designed to optimise gut function and the natural digestive process. This enables the horse to fully utilize his diet and maintain perfect condition. Plus, because it contains essential high quality vitamins, minerals and micronutrients, it supports perfect health, vitality and performance.

NAF In The Pink Powder 2.8kg £72.55
Nutritional support of the gut is the cornerstone of health and vitality in horses, and will be reflected as a horse in perfect condition. In The Pink Powder is a concentrated feed supplement for perfect condition. It is one of the most advanced nutritional preparations available to improve the diet of both sport and leisure horses. It is a unique, concentrated formula, using live probiotic yeasts and prebiotics designed to optimise gut function and the natural digestive process. This enables the horse to fully utilize his diet and maintain perfect condition. Plus, because it contains essential high quality vitamins, minerals and micronutrients, it supports perfect health, vitality and performance.

NAF In The Pink Powder Senior 900g £25.50
For all Old Age Performers, In the Pink Senior is specially formulated to meet all the nutritional requirements of the older horse and is designed to give him all the support he needs to stay active and feeling forever young. In the Pink Senior helps balance the diet and the digestive system, which enables the horse to maximise the value of his feed intake. It provides pre and probiotics for optimum support of the gut, and supplies all the vitamins and minerals required by the older horse for all round health. In the Pink Senior also supplies a unique combination of naturally sourced antioxidant ingredients to flush excess free radicals from the system, as well as providing nutrients to support joint health. Specially chosen herbs support a youthful spark. In the Pink Senior is recommended for all older horses and ponies, whether signs of age are obvious or not.

NAF In The Pink Senior 1.8kg £47.50
For all Old Age Performers, In the Pink Senior is specially formulated to meet all the nutritional requirements of the older horse and is designed to give him all the support he needs to stay active and feeling forever young. In the Pink Senior helps balance the diet and the digestive system, which enables the horse to maximise the value of his feed intake. It provides pre and probiotics for optimum support of the gut, and supplies all the vitamins and minerals required by the older horse for all round health. In the Pink Senior also supplies a unique combination of naturally sourced antioxidant ingredients to flush excess free radicals from the system, as well as providing nutrients to support joint health. Specially chosen herbs support a youthful spark. In the Pink Senior is recommended for all older horses and ponies, whether signs of age are obvious or not.

NAF Daily Gut Health 700g £19.35
A palatable daily supplement designed to support digestive health in all horses and ponies. Contains pre and probiotic yeast.

NAF Biotics 300g £17.60
This unique combination of pre and probiotics is designed to support the natural microbial repopulation of the gut. Contains live yeasts which are proven to support the health of the horse’s gut. The prebiotic ingredients are fructo-oligosaccharides, which support the growth of micro-organisms in a natural, sustainable form within the digestive tract, thus allowing beneficial bacteria to proliferate over harmful bacteria. Furthermore, fructo-oligosaccharides are non digestible by enzymes and therefore reach the hind-gut safely. The probiotic ingredients are present as encapsulated live yeast cultures. These are bile resistant and therefore have the ability to pass unharmed through the stomach to reach the large intestine. Here, they work in synergy with the prebiotic ingredients to support healthy, natural and normal digestive function. Biotics is an ideal formula for hard working competition and performance horses, horses recovering from antibiotic therapy and young foals prone to diarrhoea, all of whom can be susceptible to microbial upset and consequently digestive imbalance.

NAF Haylage Balancer 1.8kg £28.15
Haylage Balancer is a totally natural, nutritional support formula that will help your horse maximise his roughage intake, whilst helping to maintain a healthy, comfortable gut. By slowing down the rate of passage of partially digested food through the hind gut, Haylage Balancer also helps to maximise the digestion of roughage. Feeding Haylage Balancer may also mean you can cut back on concentrate feed. Maximising the digestion enables the horse to gain the most nutritional value from his forage, and the vitamins and minerals supplied by Haylage Balancer means the horse is receiving all the nutrients he requires.

NAF Haylage Balancer 3.6kg £49.25
Haylage Balancer is a totally natural, nutritional support formula that will help your horse maximise his roughage intake, whilst helping to maintain a healthy, comfortable gut. By slowing down the rate of passage of partially digested food through the hind gut, Haylage Balancer also helps to maximise the digestion of roughage. Feeding Haylage Balancer may also mean you can cut back on concentrate feed. Maximising the digestion enables the horse to gain the most nutritional value from his forage, and the vitamins and minerals supplied by Haylage Balancer means the horse is receiving all the nutrients he requires.

NAF Slim Pellets 3.3kg £35.15
For those horses and ponies who live on fresh air, it can be a struggle to keep their weight under control. The obvious answer is to reduce their feed intake, however, this could result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies.This is where Slim comes into its own. Slim is a natural and highly palatable weight management supplement, designed to provide essential micronutrients to those individuals on a restricted diet. The unique blend of ingredients work in synergy with metabolism boosting marine extracts to provide essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, all sourced from nature. Slim works to promote wellbeing for good do’ers while supporting healthy weight loss the natural way. Slim should be used in conjunction with a calorie controlled diet and suitable exercise regime.

NAF Sand Gard Pellets 1.2kg £32.55
When grazing on very dry, dusty or sandy soil, some horses may ingest some of that matter. Although the body can deal with small amounts, if sand and soil become accumulated within the gut, it can create digestive upset. Sand Gard Pellets are palatable and easy to feed, they support healthy movement through the gut (peristalsis) and provides herbal ingredients to naturally ‘sweep’ out excesses that have accumulated in the gut. They also provide live probiotic yeasts to support a healthy microflora population within the gut. Sand Gard Pellets can be fed regularly for long term maintenance of optimum gut health in horses who may be ingesting sandy soil.

NAF Immuforte 1 Litre £29.90
Stay Healthy with NAF Immuforte, a unique blend of immunity herbs working synergistically with lysine to support the immune system. Recommended for compromised immune systems in horses and ponies, due to physiological stress, hard work, travel, new environment or old age. Also recommended during box rest, and when exposure to unwell horses has been recognised. Immuforte provides nutritional support for blood cell numbers and activity and for normal immune response and function. Immuforte is recommended for older horses as the immunosenescence impacts the ageing process and related compromised immunity.

NAF Milk Thistle Powder 1kg £14.55
Milk Thistle provides herbal support for the liver and kidneys.

Equus Health Psyllium 1kg £30.50
A great bulk forming fibre herb. Invigorates sluggish bowels and gently enhances movement through the digestive tract without irritating the colon. A useful alternative to the endangered herb Slippery Elm. Also, a good supplement for horses kept on sand, aiding grains to pass through the gut.
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